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Hair Cutting
The hair cutting and styling with 25 years of experience.

Beard Shave
The beard cutting and styling with 15 years of experience.

We will have all the awards last 3 years. Special thanks all.
Our Services

Short Classic Cut
Cuts which take more than 30 mins an additional 10-15 dolla will be charged.
From $ 42.0 / ± 45 min

Wash and Cut
A full hot towel and straight razor shave. This extremely relaxing and addicting ritual is designed to prevent razor bumps and ingrown hair. Go smooth!
From $ 38.0 / ± 30 min

Beard Trim
Why not book a double treatment while you’re at it? This treatment combines a shave or a beardtrim with a great haircut.
From $ 55.0 / ± 60 min
Happy Client Says

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